Patient Questionnaire
When you contact us for your first consultation, whether by phone or contact form, you will be asked to complete this Patient Questionnaire (PQ).
Please fill it in using Acrobat, Preview or any PDF reader that allows for text entry into the fields on the form. The “submit” button on the last page only reliably works with Acrobat, but you can save the document and email it to our Reception (instructions on the form).
If all this fails, handwrite your responses, scan the completed document and email it to Reception (pm@mimpractice.com).
Once we receive your completed PQ, you are in the queue. Dr Donohoe will review the PQ to decide on the consultation time required.
We will then contact you to book the consultation. At that time, we will ask you to forward any relevant test results, specialist letters, x-ray reports by email (scanned) or by mail (we will scan and return the original documents to you on your consultation date)